Ryoji Hojito

Born in Tochigi Prefecture in 1959. An improvisational pianist lives in Sapporo since 1974.
Known for his unique style of music with empty cans, toys, styrofoam, pieces of wood, and so on. He has performed solo at several festivals starting in Russia 1993, then in Finland, Lithuania, and others, and received high reputation. His performance appreciates the beautiful true sound of piano, on the other hand, the unique and effective mix of dissonance sound from unusual plucking and some noise from pieces of junk can be evocative to the audience. Besides the various sounds, the way he walks away from the piano and plays around with the toys sometimes makes the stage comical and fun to watch.
In order to seek more exciting and aleatory music, he recently focuses more on playing duo rather than solo, and continues his performance primarily of complete improvisation without prior discussions nor rehearsals.


hojito_fb_photophoto: Live at St.Chapelle Anne, Tours, France Oct.4.2015 © Rémi Angeli

■Worked with:

Yoshihide Otomo(turntables, guitar)
Koichi Makigami(voice, theremin, etc)
Kazutoki Umezu(reeds)
Kazuhisa Uchihashi(guitar, effects)
Tomo Yamaguchi(percussion, voice, etc)
David Moss(percussion, voice, electronics)
Nicolas Collins(trombone propelled electronics)
Tom Cora(cello)
Samm Bennett(percussion, electronics)
Carl Stone(computer)
Bob Ostertag(sampler)
Kang Tae Hwan(alto sax)
Ned Rothenberg (sax, clarinet)
Joelle Leandre(contrabass)
Dmitri Prigov(poet, painter)
Liudas Mockunas(reeds)
Sergey Letov (reeds)
Vladimir Tarasov (percussion)
Vladislav Makarov (cello)
Hugues Vincent(cello)
Roger Turner (percussion)
Linas Rimsa (composition, computer)
Vytis Nivinskas (contrabass)


宝示戸 亮二(ほうじと りょうじ)



大友良英(turntables, guitar)
巻上公一(voice, theremin, etc)
内橋和久(guitar, effects)
山口とも(percussion, voice, etc)
デイヴィッド・モス(percussion, voice, electronics)
ニコラス・コリンズ(trombone propelled electronics)
サム・ベネット(percussion, electronics)
姜泰煥(alto sax)
ネッド・ローゼンバーグ (sax, clarinet)
ドミトリー・プリゴフ(poet, painter)
セルゲイ・レートフ (reeds)
ウラジミール・タラソフ (percussion)
ヴラディスラフ・マカロフ (cello)
ロジャー・ターナー (percussion)
リーナス・リムサ (composition, computer)
ヴィッティス・ニヴィンスカス (contrabass)